How Does Growth Content Drive Business Growth?
Writing content for your website can be a difficult activity to maintain on a consistent basis. Along with all the other required tasks to keep your business afloat (sales, hiring/onboarding, IT, etc.), content generation is one of those things that tends to fall through the cracks regularly.
More than that, writing impactful content for your website—content that brings in consistent results and drives business growth—can be even harder.
Whether you’ve tried content marketing in the past or are currently starting to do so, you’ve probably realized by now that it takes so much more than simply sitting at a keyboard, stringing together some words into a document, and publishing the end product to your site in order to truly make an impact for your business.
That’s why we decided to create a more systematic and data-driven approach to content marketing - something we like to call Growth Content.
What is Growth Content?
Growth Content is Nectafy’s formula for driving traffic, leads, and future customers through world-class content.
Here are the four main ingredients of our Growth Content formula:
- Content
- Industry Expertise
- Process
As you can see, the content itself is just one of the necessary ingredients for driving growth. Let’s dive into each one.
As you may already know, SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is basically just a fancy term to describe the work of making your website look good (both in its appearance and behind-the-scenes coding) so it shows up closer to the top of Google search results.
The key indicators of good SEO for a website consist of the following things:
- Organic traffic—website traffic that enters your website from search engines like Google or Bing
- Organic leads—the organic traffic that ends up converting on your website by submitting their contact information via forms found across the site
- Keyword rankings—where your website is listed on search engine results
You may have worked with an SEO agency or two in the past where all they focused on was “improving your website’s SEO”—and that’s where their services stopped.
Maybe they changed some of the code behind your site or helped you get backlinks to make your site seem more impressive to search engines.
Whatever the case, this one-track approach to growing your website will more than likely limit your results and business growth in the long run.
With Nectafy, SEO is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to producing growth content.
To plan your company's growth content, we identify the SEO opportunities & tactics that will benefit your website and incorporate these findings into your overall Growth Content strategy.
Furthermore, if you don’t already have a firm grasp on the audience for your growth content, we’ll create a detailed description of your ideal buyer (what’s known as a buyer persona) and map out a list of keyword targets that best aligns with that person’s needs and wants.
All these activities help us to develop a content strategy that is firmly rooted in data, giving you the best opportunity to drive true growth for your business.
How much could your company grow with growth content?
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2 Content
When you think of content, you probably think of a landing page, blog post, or a downloadable eBook filled with helpful information for your target audience.
These are some of the most common examples, with each having its own technical requirements in order to be considered a valuable asset.
However, just because everyone knows what a blog post is doesn’t mean everyone knows what a good blog post is, or how to properly create one for optimal site growth.
Good content is the cornerstone of what separates Nectafy from thousands of other digital marketing agencies. We make it a priority to deliver high-quality, authoritative, and informative pieces that will grow your website by answering the questions your target audience asks the most.
To achieve this goal, we have worked tirelessly on our hiring process for new writers to ensure that our team is producing the best content possible for our clients.
It can be easy to sift through Upwork and find freelance writers. But when it comes to hiring a writer who can consistently create outstanding works time and time again… that’s harder said than done.
Luckily, we’ve managed to find talented writers who deliver high-quality blog posts that help our clients stand out against their competitors.
Our team of writers and editors handles the entire content creation process, making sure that when you see the rough draft, it’s as close to perfect as it can get.
3 Industry Expertise
Another factor that separates Nectafy from other writing agencies is our reliance on industry experts to produce original, authoritative content for our clients. These industry experts are known as subject matter experts (or SMEs for short). Our core writing process involves interviewing at least one designated SME per article.
Why use SMEs? Our writers don’t know the specific ins and outs of our clients’ industries. So rather than sending them out to paraphrase content from existing articles, we have them speak to an expert in order to create the best piece of content possible for each given topic.
Not only does this strategy produce more authentic, useful content for your audience, but it also helps with SEO. Google’s algorithm is constantly updating, which means it’s better able to parse out wasteful and redundant content from helpful, high-quality content.
For more info on what the SME interview process looks like with Nectafy, check out our SME content creation article.
4 Process
When onboarding new clients, a common theme among their websites is that they have a blog established but they haven’t posted anything new to it for two or three months.
This issue is usually due to either a) a lack of time allocated toward content creation, or b) a lack of processes that they or their team can follow when working on a new blog post.
Whether it’s because something more important comes up in their task list, or they can’t think of any new blog ideas to research, this inconsistency is something many businesses face when generating their own content.
Like most things in life, you can’t have consistent results without a consistent process in place to get you there.
That’s why we pride ourselves here at Nectafy on the various processes we’ve implemented that lead to consistent results in both traffic and business growth.
From initial keyword research and content planning, to the execution of each piece of content we produce, all the way down to our monthly client meetings, the various processes we’ve established over the years are an important component of our Growth Content strategy, which have helped us maintain consistent traffic and lead growth for our clients.
Is Growth Content right for you?
Chances are you have one or two of these core components already in place at your company. But in order to produce Growth Content, all four components must be present.
If you’re interested in seeing if Growth Content is right for you, and discussing which of these four components you’re missing, schedule a call with our founder, Lance!