Our human content services

All of our services are powered by our amazing human team—writers, editors, and project managers—who make sure everything you experience with Nectafy is a net positive for humanity.

You could say we’re bullish on people.

Blog Posts

Expert-directed and human-written, the blog posts we produce let you share your in-house expertise with readers in a personal, helpful way.

If you’ve got a vision for publishing original, thoughtful blog posts on your company’s website, we can bring that vision to reality. We work transparently and predictably, so you always know what to expect.

  • You provide topics and introduce us to your internal experts.
  • We have conversations with your experts and ask thoughtful questions.
  • We synthesize those conversations and write blog posts with your experts’ bylines.
  • We refine every piece of writing with intense, publisher-level editing.
  • You review production-ready posts.

Blog posts range from 1,000 words to well over 5,000 words, depending on your goals. We’ll say what needs to be said and no more.

2 Blog Posts (1,000 words each) start at $1,100.

Request A Sample of Our Writing in Our Human Content Portfolio

Customer Stories (Case Studies)

Customer Stories (typically known as Case Studies) demonstrate your proven ability to deliver success for your clients, and they should do it in a very human, thoughtful way.

We steer clear of shameless brand bragging. Instead, we help you focus on your customers’ success stories and the crucial role your product or service played in their achievements. We interview experts from your team as well as your customers, then weave the narrative together so that your prospects recognize themselves in the story.

Customer Stories are approximately 2,000 words and may contain some client-provided photographs. The final deliverable is a Google Doc with everything you need to wire up the Customer Story on your website or turn it into a piece of sales collateral.

Customer Stories start at $1,300.

Request: Your Custom Growth Content Forecast

White Papers/eBooks

White Papers/eBooks are long-form downloadable PDFs that serve as fantastic conversion pieces to help move leads down a marketing funnel.

We write your White Paper using our Nectafy process—that includes conducting a 45-minute conversation with your experts, writing up to 2,000 words of text, editing and revising, and on-brand graphic design and layout, all delivered on time with minimal fiddling from you.

Of course, if you’ve got specific needs for your White Paper or eBook, tell us what you have in mind. We’re ready to write something truly special.

White Papers/eBooks start at $1,600.

Email Newsletters

Email Newsletters are a great way to build credibility with your readers over time. With so much junk hitting readers’ inboxes, your email can be a refreshing change.

Our email newsletters usually lead with a longer piece of helpful content, and then some links to other content and useful resources. Depending on your needs, we can design and wire-up these email newsletters as well.

Email Newsletter packages start at $500.


Editing is what turns good content into great content—and we’ve got you covered.

Even if you already have a solid content team in place, without an experienced content editor—one trained in the art of refining and shaping copy—the overall quality of your published content isn’t as good as it could be.

Our team of content editors will level up your output. You provide written drafts of any kind—emails, blog posts, white papers, case studies, web copy, sales material, or anything else—and we’ll enhance its value by:

  • Editing for effectiveness. We’ll make sure the piece conveys the right message clearly and impactfully, in a way readers will understand. We’ll also suggest ways to make it more compelling and engaging.
  • Editing for readability. We’ll scour the piece to correct all misspellings, grammatical errors, and inconsistencies—mistakes that make your content look unprofessional.
  • Editing for SEO. If you need it, we can also ensure any piece is SEO-friendly and includes essential elements for ranking well.

For companies that care about their content, editing isn’t a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have.

Editing is available on a subscription basis. Prices start at $500.

Want to know exactly how much it might cost to work together to make amazing human content?

Just choose a time to talk and tell us exactly what you need. We're glad to provide a quote.

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